A Research and Policy Analysis Poem
by Daniel Vincent Kelley
The U.S. taxpayer and voter take credit on slamming Depleted Uranium through walls,
Do you know what happens when a 50 caliber round collapses a skull?
That's been the pretty way to go for more than a few Iraqi people these days,
The ugly involves multiple 50 caliber round leg shredding then waiting for your own blood flow to end the pain,
More than a few Iraqi children been torn apart by bullets leapt from the chambers directed by your sons hero,
What part oppressed and oppressor will your son be 50/50 0/100 100/0?
So few have found the path where they are neither,
Oppressor's won't allow it, generally those suffering nonlifethreatening oppression don't bother,
Even looking for a way to be not oppressed nor oppressor, How is this though for oppressive skill?
Terminate Iraq's 400,000 soldiers without their rightful pension, Iraqi's got bills?
Tell those Iraqi soldiers, "keep your gray matter splatterers and your leg separation implements",
We're not exactly sure when you'll be needing those again,
Then cripple their country with economic policy long since conceded defunct even by it's beneficiaries,
That play's like this the tariffs you had on imports that ensured Iraqi's bought Iraqi,
Lets do away with those resulting the closing of Iraqi Industry entirely,
With actual unemployment already at 60 percent,
Thanks the sanctions imposed a decade ago to starve and demoralize Iraqi children, How many Iraqi’s are economics experts?
How long has the phrase buy Iraqi Been the sole no-tariff-needing protector of Iraq’s economy?
Who’s going to buy an Iraqi stove when the foreign produced is half the price?
The U.S. administrator might eventually feign this a gamble, in reality no dice, What’s been done there guarantees Iraqi hatred of our troops at large and what a large target,
What do you think will happen first? Last Iraqi breathing, Last paid soldier slaughtered, maybe they’ll just forget,
How they felt after a year of suffering aggressive administration toward their hating thus killing our killers,
We train disrespectful punks to kill send them elsewhere and wonder,
Why are they coming back here in body bags?
It sure is a shame that understanding lags,
Experience, How bout these 13 dead children with whose laws were they in variance?
Children protest for their school back in Fallujah,
13 dead 75 injured doesn’t stop there,
4 mercenaries charred, 40 U.S. soldiers killed, 400 Iraqi Women and Children sniped, alongside 200 Iraqi men,
The primary purpose served ensuring Haliburton and Bechtel win,
Hundreds of billions,
Worth contracts rebuilding,
What was destroyed by the people to who the U.S. taxpayer gives approximately,
400 billion every year namely the death weapons industry,
Gotta smash it right so to the reconstructors much work supplied,
Like space mountain with no harness the U.S. taxpayer's getting taken for a ride, Thinking he's sending money to Iraqi's, While buying bulletproof Mercedes for Cheney,
Hell eh burton and Bechtel doing well,
While Iraqi children who've seen hell, Can goto hell,
According Iraqi military psychiatrist who wanted to track levels of stress post trauma,
Worked with the CPA and the U.S. military, and just like Osama,
Got pentagon funds, though later denied such because he was seeking to evaluate children,
Particularly the effect of war caused trauma on what he thinks could be millions, "
...how can we build a stable society with such trauma?" he would like to know,
While the U.S. voter lets Nazi after Nazi keep running the show,
USAID Iraqi hospital reformer, living in Baghdad even, never been to an Iraqi hospital,
She says the Iraqi doctors are lying about not having medicine and equipment, describes her performance as on the ball,
According to her the Iraqi doctors "Don't know what they're talking about,
We're trying to decentralize the system and make it more efficient."
Someone should clue her in as to what mission,
Is performed better short triangulating for distance dual straight line detecting systems, I'm thinking she's thinking "blind is good for this mission",
Well what good would USAID workers involving themselves with observing Iraqi hospitals do?
And then what about this guy German ZDF Public television says isn't Saddam?
Where's the international media coverage of ZDF's purport that his faces proportions match Saddams,
Like the proportion of how many people should be melted to how many are by pools of Napalm,
Pardon I forgot the pentagon rename that makes it all right to incinerate civilians with that stuff, the mark 77 firebomb,
Yeah, his eyes are no closer proportioned to Saddams,
Than the amount that should vs. is used incendiary ordinance melting flesh to bone, in the name of pseudofreedom,
How do they sell these wacky stories?
The guy has 750,000 dollars in his pocket but can't afford plastic surgery,
Would rather live in a box than bang chics all day in Bali,
As the leader of a nation couldn't attain the paperwork to make it out of the country,
There might be something fishy to this story,
Is that crazy, nah must be me,
Speaking of craziness and chump change,
See if you can guess where Bremer's order 39 is aimed,
Bremer's Order 39 allows unrestricted 100% foreign ownership of all Iraqi Industry excepting oil,
As well delay free removal of profits from Iraq, There's some cliche that applies here ends in spoils,
Iraqi industry is now a soft target to Corporate ownership,
Devalued through tariff shedding and foreign ownership flip,
What the IMF conceded, prior the invasion even, is worse than worthless economic policy,
The kinda stuff that results dead children due disease and starvation is now being enforced militarily,
Free to plunder, free to torture, free to through plastic surgery and paperwork purchase indentity change and Iraqi boys asses sample,
Add to that bit of craziness this as extreme example,
There's no one better to boss Arab speakers around than people who don't speak Arabian?
An Arab coalition in Iraq would lead to too much communication,
Would make more likely Iraqi people determining where the hundreds of billions of dollars are spent,
Communication empowers people? Few of our troops speak the language of that region?
Big surprise for the people in Washington insisting our troops continue pounding their faces on secured standing razor blades,
Bush got C's at Yale, On murdering the U.S. founders defined U.S. militia I'd have to grade straight A's,
Mercenaries as the second largest Militant force presently in Iraq,
Comprised mostly of Pinochet's killers, last decades South African Aparteid oppressors of Blacks,
British trained colonial oppressors of their own people,
and Blood letting loving Ex-U.S. Special Forces to whom murder's a steeple,
Granted by the U.S. appointed Coalition Provisional Authority,
The capacity to run roughshod, claim responsibility even while dodging accountability,
Mercenaries like diplomats granted legal immunity!
In all of recorded history,
No precedent exists for paid killers enjoying such legality,
I mentioned DU at the begining of this poem more briefly than provides understanding,
Of what radioactive metal powder does on inhalation,
The effect of Depleted Uranium on your DNA is as a balsa wood strand structure with thumbtack connectivity,
Anchored on the coastline of Hawaii right where crashing the big breakers be,
Gulf war one saw 375 tons,
Of Depleted Uranium rain spoil Iraqi childrens fun,
DU is the gift that keeps on giving, Of our troops who served in the first gulf war 60% of their child births are to deformed children,
Gulf war now 2004, To the 375 tons add 2000 more,
No cleanup crew saw service nor is empolyed today,
Removing this 22 million year halflife element causing radioactive decay,
Of Iraqi childrens DNA,
If the Iraqi people controlled their governance they might want to get some geiger meters,
I have a feeling Iraqi children will keep stirring up DU dust for their consumption as well the occupiers,
I want to know when Bush will afford us the photo op of him pulling a dead Iraqi from a 50 caliber depleted uranium round shredded Iraqi tank,
His DU duh award acceptance speech "My chemistry teacher who didn't cover radioactive elements well enough my only thanks",
Organization for Human Rights Baghdad says 18,000 Iraqi's are being illegally detained,
That's about 1 in a thousand Iraqi's held incommunicado speaks not to those illegally slain,
Ahmad Chalabi wanted in Jordan for Bank fraud, Should be behind bars instead he's the New Saddam Hussein,
An Iraqi face lent to the oppressionist policies U.S. government implemented Iraqi people's pain,
I wonder what the pyschological impact,
Of U.S. Administrator of Iraq,
L. Paul Bremer's living in Saddam's mansion has?
Abu Graib where our troops are on video torturing Iraqi's used to be Saddam's torture pad,
Najaf Devotedly Shiite City,
According Historian Juan Cole in testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
The U.S. appointed one of Saddam's Sunni Baathist Officers as Mayor,
Who subsequently took children for ransom, What's the crimes of Moqtada Sadr?
He's on the U.S. list of Iraq's most wanted,
The ghosts of democracy and free speech are by whom he's haunted,
Did you think free speech means print whatever you want Sadr?
We're going to have to expand Iraqi's education to cover,
All the subjects you can't print on the press you own,
The subjects that make Dick Cheney's making money harder you'd better leave alone,
Iraqi's widely chose secular politicians in local elections following the overthrow of Saddam,
So happens where the U.S. purchases the school books are the only places where has been popularized radical and militant Islam,
Pentagon Freezes Iraqi Funds Amid Corruption Probes, Stephen Glain Reports 12/30/2003 for the Globe,
Iraqi Al Qaeda preps a sadistic video,
For American media conglomerates, humanizing the oppressive, Nick Bergs roll,
Little woopsie cutting his head off just after his talking about family instead of his avid support of Bushes war,
Italian al Qaeda's forcing the Italians to war protest might just serve their "cause" a bit more,
Than Espousing the all Holy Islamic Precept of Vengence,
While humanizing an unappologetic war profitteer what chance,
Any of those supposed Al Qaeda operatives understand what message best serves the cause Oppressive Governments leave us alone?
Controlling Italian Al Qaeda must not have been a top priority at the pentagon,
Journalist Mark Levine is a real stickler on international law,
Here's a list of what per the U.N. the U.S. is responsible for,
Restore and maintain Iraqi public order,
Provide Iraqi's food and medical care,
Further the U.N. requires per the Geneva Convention,
Humane treatment of the civilian population,
So lets hear some Iraqi people's stories,
The U.S. armies criminal division's been looking in, To what has been happening roadside,
Plus the hundred thousand house searches Elian Gonzalez style,
Worse even, Getting smashed in the face with a rifle butt is a good day,
If you're quiet you might live when with your valuables the stars and stripes wearing walks away,
How's that for protection from illegal search and seizure,
Might be one reason the Iraqi constitution's yet to see wear,
Woman who survived one of the terror war wedding massacres,
Describes U.S. soldiers,
Pillaging her families bodies for Jewelry while she played dead,
This was immediately following an artillery shell smashing her legs,
Haleema Shihab also describes her family being shot one by one,
Then while she lay on the ground,
Her right arm was shredded with another artillery shell,
Looking around for her sons she found neither doing well,
By then her sons both passed one decapitated by a shell lay beside her,
A U.S. soldier kicked her as she lay in the mud feigning death her youngest child live beside her,
When will those Iraqi ingrates learn to appreciate this brand of welfare and safety? What about this massacred wedding party does the U.S. government have to say?
The presence of "more than two dozen military age males" is the only requisite to demolish a village,
Taking out western Iraq's favorite wedding singer qualifies as justified carnage,
45 Wedding guests slaughtered at distance,
Is what the U.S. military considers precision,
How does Abu Ghraib mesh with international law?
So long as some peon's do time Bush says even score,
A nonlocally prosecutable mercenary continues employment undisciplined,
After being taped at Abu Ghraib raping an Iraqi male adolescent,
Dog attacks, Hours in stress positions, days naked, nights with no sleep, months in the dark,
All defying international law and quite obviously part of winning Iraqi minds and hearts,
Then there's the major media ignored issue of incarceration mortality,
Resulting no less than 30 Iraqi mens deaths in U.S. military custody,
Some dead upon interrogation,
Some were not even checked in,
More than 30 gone missing from U.S. controlled Iraqi jails,
What's the situation on the street where with Iraqi patriots the U.S. military flails,
One Iraqi police officer says he has about 200 cases on just his desk,
Instances where U.S. military personnel gave Iraqi moms the reason they wept,
Did so with their m-16's and sidearms,
That Iraqi police officers statement "The Americans have shot so many people" might raise alarms,
Were that not the policy maker's intention,
U.S. corporate financial profit winner,
Plus U.S. killer killing tactic,
With the supposed aim diminish militant mind set,
Accomplishing reduction of unity thus effectiveness,
Reduction of both each militants life value and militant strength in opposition to the rulings financial interests,
Militant strength that the U.S. constitutions framers agreed was inert to all but those who practice tyranny,
That militant strength type Strictly volunteer with strictly homeland defense guarantee,
Further the weaponry employed as such owned by the citizenry,
Observed historically where the governments armaments are nil,
the people reside more peacefully,
Back to war crimes on the streets of Iraq,
Valor just might never be used to describe this attack,
An injured man crawls from beneath his burning truck,
His crime? Moments before carrying a tube next we address his luck,
How's getting shredded at distance by 30 millimeter cannon?
Ordered in the knowledge of his lacking armaments,
Legs or his seeking other than self preservation,
Iraqi's suffer U.S. pilots... U.S. pilots suffer Boeing.
You can no longer find ABC 'News'es story on the Apache War Crimes Slaughter
on ABC's site. Notice though a search on ABC News for Apache Video yields now
4 of the top 7 articles citing the virtues of slaughtering at distance and so in
Orwellian double talk, unyieldingly stating the very relative distance from
which a helicopter engages a target as of course "close". Then 2 of the top 7
are articles on some Apache's just falling out of the sky without any warning.
The 7th article is completely unrelated and not one article covers war crimes or
the facility to effect such the Apache represents.
From day one not one Iraqi body counted,
Those who tend careless regard civilian deaths in what philosophy grounded?
This is what might be known as security short concern for gray matter splattering, Short measurement nor care for bullet penetration,
is the security the U.S. is providing,
Essentially the security of giving up breathing,
Is about the only thing the U.S. is securing if we're securing anything,
How will we know when we're providing good security if we don't even measure our own and oft Iraqi civilian terminating?
The best estimates at more than thirty five thousand Iraqi's have been illegally and brutally slain,
Our killers can thank Bremer and Bush for their murder spree inducing immunity,
From Iraqi law and Annan and Bush for shielding them at least temporarily,
From international law though well expectantly,
Some of the low level offenders will be prosecuted eventually,
That's justice here these days, Millions of deaths to your credit gets you lots of money,
Being exposed to severe hostility,
while following lawless orders gets you time behind bars and mass media demonized relentlessly,
Just as bad though refusing lawless orders,
Results time behind bars or in theater your status cadavers,
As for the International law referred to here 1483 is the U.N. "security" council resolution,
The wars basis and prosecution,
are both in flagrant violation,
on many counts of the Geneva convention,
Two eyewitnesses reported by Australia's Sydney Morning Herald,
Point to Iraq's new U.S. appointed Prime Minister as the triggerman that killed,
Six Iraqi prisoners execution style,
You'd think they'd give Abu Ghraib a while,
To die down,
Before clowning around,
With moving Iraqi's from prison cells to the ground,
Allawi killed for Saddam,
Then during the mid 90's the CIA sought his help to bomb,
Iraqi civilians,
Supposedly as a means of destabilization,
Effectively though aligning Saddam's mid90's security requisite with that of the Iraqi population,
Allawi is also rumored to have cut a foreign fighters hand off with an axe during a recent interrogation,
Apparently Allawi is even more skilled than Saddam at rule via terrororistic intimidation,
The media savvy might thank Hersh,
For putting Rumsfeld, Cambone and Bushes careers in a herse,
Were not for the fact,
their careers flak jackets act like Terminator 2 on crack,
Hersh smashed the lid off Abu Ghraib,
Style: top government side decision maker made,
As with all "acts" of the present "government",
Likely those decisions "influenced",
Toward certain ends corporate and war profiteer,
By finances, for finances, In the interest,
Of no person fact best,
Understood as lacking any worth other than financial,
While I'm at it might allow for clarity,
Acts, Government, Influenced, Ends, Corporate and War Profiteer Greater Definity,
Acts: Operating under a system disallowed by the spirit of democracy,
Essentially Open Bribery,
the people's interest subjugated to the influence of money,
Legislation to the top bidder,
Payable via either Campaign Contribution,
Investment Value Ensuring,
Or appointment to Corporate Executive Position,
Such legislation so far from the interests of the people,
As to compare a hole in the ground to a steeple,
Said legislation wandering far afield the constitutionally mandated capacity of every branch,
Even the Local Judiciary making the jurors decisions,
The Executive granted war waging capacity for a few generations,
The congress ordering what was left to each state of the States United,
The 2nd Ammendments silent revocation delivers the peoples checking power to the other side,
I don't even know for how long the governments power checked, By blackmail since when secret societies,
Acquired government legitimacy, More of the Acts of which the facts, Prove disturbing, Ordering wars outside the provision, Of the constitution, Allowed war power bestowed the U.S. congress,
Well debated at the time,
As well adhered to for a time,
A time that allowed the loss of this valuable lesson,
Regarding organization,
Of Militancy away from aggression,
Limiting strictly to U.S. borders,
Thus outside the Province to be sold as a service,
Overseas toward,
The enrichment of those who benefit financially from war,
Government further defined as the,
Constitutionally limited representative selection electoral,
Ultimately checked by the guns of the people,
Government that's been hijacked as early as the constitutions provision,
Of power to politicians waxing,
While average citizens power on ever trim,
That government a disguised monarchy,
Policy provision oligarchy,
In definition laws for money,
And we've transitioned seamlessly to influence,
Bought by campaign finances spent pampering,
A percent of the population large enough,
And so motivated to ensure the domination of the rest,
Worldwide Full understanding of the means by which such bullshit flies,
Understood by my guess five,
People who are so thoroughly corrupted by inundation with harsh and severe influence,
To convince,
The worthlessness of others lives,
Those others generally duped post parental passing of subjugation,
To child of priority attain cash as the means to an end,
Said ends dare ever express as the easiest attainment,
If for none other than seemingly "reasonable" living condition,
Enjoyment had at the expense of those more severely domineered by,
Such means underhanded and designed to deny capacity survive,
Most of their quarry short age five,
Though the survival capacity denied,
Generally seemingly simply sought before age enough to expand the population,
Til space laser battery capacity guarantee domination,
Survival capacity denial is ever chasing,
Particularly birth rate increase where such is required to ensure name,
Carrying progeny,
Survival dependability,
For each family,
Effected tremendously,
By effort spent expanding murderous capability,
Knowledge of what happens when you live by the sword is thousands of years old, Someone must be doing well with that system on which you're sold.