Random Thoughts, poetry, penned journal to digital...
Da dun da dun da da nah neh nih neh nah
(James Bond theme)
(James Bond theme)
Video, Dale, Space contained "In the next moment I'll lock their trajectory and deploy hyperdine ensemble and space assembly on their sorry a....
You were evaporated (fall back from pupil) by greater durance life form with greatest understanding system...
Dale's 'spirit' - "awww man"
Break the plane of this atmosphere,
Horizon Unlimited Just 10 light years,
Away would be the size of a pinhead,
A laser the size of this planet.
Horizon Unlimited Just 10 light years,
Away would be the size of a pinhead,
A laser the size of this planet.
Cheney so wise in his threat estimation,
Defies simple sense with his action,
Defies simple sense with his action,
The human nose,
A space evolved human form screams relation,
Does anyone here have experience, relatives care?
A space evolved human form screams relation,
Does anyone here have experience, relatives care?
Control unit with cap on top of skull and wire mesh descending from such cap into the brain. Man wakes in padded room under power of such implement.
The person suffers severe facial contortion, muscle spasm, intermittent severe pain. Person is put through a series of motions wherein he is pounding the top of his skull, right on the control unit. The extent of the shock effects his subconscious state just prior the impact of his hand thus his hand is not detecting the presence of the control unit.
The control unit disperses energy into the persons brain til he reaches shock. Then a period of cool down is allowed to ensure the pain dealt is not beyond sufferable. The pounding continues for hours including open fist, closed fist, palm, combination ordered, same disordered.
In a frenzy on waking post a shock state cool down he finds the unit on the top of his head. He lifts it slightly to discover it seems easily removable. He tears the unit and mesh from the top of his head and slumps forward.
Wakes as his spirit in a space ship observing a holograph of the "control room" where they'd been effecting control of this skull top unit, to receive a sincere commendation from his fellow travellers "Bang up job." smiles.
I don't even care if most of you get nuclear annhilated. What I do care about is being a part of the solution. That said, do I think nuclear annhilation toward anybody's being is a necessary part of the solution? Whole heartedly, NO.
If they're going to nuclear annihilate you, all you can do is your best to survive. If they do "go nuclear" there is little anyone can do but get underground and organize to repel their further onslaught. They have nukes enough to obliterate the surface of the planet 15X.
Doubtless people enough exist to impart a severe control situation that apart from locally and keenly prepared could cause their lesser control. There are people listening for the boom. There may be people not well enough surveilled. Though not likely due the leap in software technology recorded in recent years. There are people in various places, at any time, underground.
Short satellite surveillance capable of tracking 6+ billion people and laser battery capactiy to immediately melt all targets, their short term security situation is at best hairy. Worldwide full understanding is, to my best guess with the information I've analyzed, less than 20. The rest of their "support structure" seems to be doing what they feel is right, what they enjoy or just taking orders because they always have. The raw count might be much higher, though I doubt they'd have their crap as flimsily tied as it well seems, and their ship does seem about as secure as sailing a sieve. At most their support structure "in the know" consists of no more than 20 million. Otherwise they'd have taken everybody on with daggers and swords... If their numbers are that many their deceptive capacity amazes.
They realize they have a looser plan. They're smart enough, these numbers are pretty easy, ready? FOREVER... Take a chance with that? Anything HERE that's not a chance... mmm
They plan on keeping as many people out of the know as possible. They're hoping their "friends" will allow their living once in the know. Most of their "friends" even slightly complicitized have opted to take the chance, mostly due their thorough ill understanding what they're up against, eternity. Oh yah eternity's your friend... They have family that has bought in sight unseen. Family whose futures are to be threatened up with the slaughter their relatives have committed in their name for their supposed "security", once those family members are "in the know". "You got too much to pay for to even consider..."
You'll be propagandized into inaction til murder inc is ready to finish this.
Number of people required to effect this continual bullshit appology? <0
Brittany Spears tries to sell us toxicity as an addictive quality. Toxicity leads to addiction in combination with certain other factors, though is not the prime nor even natural state of toxic relation to humanity. Mostly what is toxic, kills. Such toxic substance generally injures micro structures human required.
Most of what is addictive is GOOD for you. Exercise, love, quick growing protein and carbohydrates, sleeping well...
To some profound thoughts my friends respond in pop culture cliches.
Cliche slangatize a cartoon to your essays and poems.
After saying whatever policy or history note very progressively manneredly in response to the audiences response questioning dissatisfied eye contact to disingenuously supportive cliches and giggles.
I walk off the cliche launchers tend to debating my mood though quite half way complexedly and again with a disingenuous slant as for an audience to be misled.
Early seeds, indicating bud growth cut short thus less resinous buds and though this plant is doubtless a high THC producer due this early cut as well polination this plant is far harsher than would it be short polination and cut at full growth. Another fd up deal by Jacob.
Brazilian National shot dead by british police, reported as "living in Britain..." CNN
Motionless Jesus standing in a hack circle.
Discovery channel propaganda, "if we're going to stop shark attacks, we need to understand sharks..."
Initiate contact to FL. chamber of commerce. Threaten a lawsuit if the beaches are not expeditiously equipped with now long available counter shark attack technology provided by analyflactic shock.
Call shark attack victims.
Sleep at REM walking in circles well suited to microwave avoidance.
Nick Jr. building a nation of rats and spies. Human destruction for cash and agents of the state generally effecting similar ends.
I'll hold you to everything you serve me while short my hatred.
I may do my best to educate you above further injuring me. Though accept no particular responsibility to such educational provision.
How to go about this real keeping, it so very undefined. Assumably my lifestyle was Dave's subject.
Propaganda TV CNN
23 July 10:12 The terrorists, why do they hate us? Terrorism if you study terrorist leadership is about adjusting policy, which has been hijacked toward politicians power + financial benefit.
Try to be on the side that will endure the least suffering.
How to recognize such least suffering side?
They're feeding you as much verifiable info on the longest duration you'll experience, from here to eternity.
They could pay a stadium of people to yell obsenities at yah. Like they had a tough time finding the half dozen convincing actors yah fell in line for. Molded more suckers than tootsie pop.
Deconstructing my parents brainwash combination,
1950's suburban,
Dad and god fearing rambunction,
Much hatred mixed with social skills suffice conversate pointed with near anyone,
Driven from money lust half way,
At least til in the 90's acquainted the beast,
The 2000's see self indulgence leased,
The hatred was gone for a short while that they found career "success",
I was laughable while I wasn't recognized a threat to their pay master,
Then forked tongues fly as dragged from their haven the pair,
Amped for blood as ever parents were,
Thanks for the Uhaul mom,
Thanks for failing to teach me how to hold silverware dad,
I guess your expression so ailing has cleared a few things up for me.
Note to self (don't forget as if I could):
She flirts with her eyes and finger pointing for nearing a year.
The first touch produces conveyance disgust.
What's the motivator here?
Accept no less than someone who's willing to give up all material except for you, for you.
Run ragged over these hoe's til such discovery.
Imagine the misery you'll live and see to give your heart to one of these...
How best to say "You will prove incapable of abusing me." ?
Smedley Butler lived wretched, commanded destruction of much humanity for hire. Then sang the praise of peace, communicated to all who sought his then wisely aged council to refuse and resist. Was Mr. Butlers slaughter worth more than his praise of peace? How much longer will Smedley wait for his wise words to outpace his youthful actions?
I stopped accepting blind orders for cash WHEN? Qualifying me as a source of info on how to break the ho in you.
Are these bitches hoes for teaching art? NO.
They're hoes for pointing at their asses without the least query as to what they're "accomplishing". Trying to bring a +1's worth to 0. They're more accurately -'s. Being a ho has to do with both tainted motivation as well position sub commanding, then typically due skillless query methodology.
How many jagasses are going to get away with rape in murder in my name having thieved my identity for glory with the facilitous access to such I provide by disappearance?
If I do choose to change my identity, that'll mean status quo continuum. I probably won't even be alive for the misery. But all yall and I mean everyone will be seeing hell on Earth in short order, which is likely in any case.
Further if I change my identity, I am personally going to see to the laze process that melts everyone involved. The surgeon, the identity "volunteer", the volunteers family, the everybody involved.
"Some kinda freak laser crime scene here, Donuts huh?"
I swear to you thermal surveillance to minus whatever ashyboys age is then anyone he ever said the words indentity and theft to gone.
What I today, quite shakily though this might be due microwave, suggest as a means to prevent identity theft and your thorough lazing is MRI's for EVERYONE suspected of a crime. That's all cops and government officials worldwide, then everyone seen leaving what's determined to be a crime scene, then anyone who matches a few parameters known to the general public in court and having been determined through evidence analysis.
I love who I've been,
I love who I am,
I love who I'm going to be.
You think because my parents are shitbags I'm very seriously effected.
It's going to take a lot more than some delinquent parents, financial stress and often though generally mild physical pain to rend me to regret. Try taking my legs off but then you expose your nature unmistakably.
Communicate means to stop human expansion overnight exists wasted because of what such use means for dominance.
Land enough exists that if properly planted and harvested the present population has 5X or 500% room for expansion.
N.D. wind energy enough to supply 1/3rd of U.S. electricity demand wasted due the lacking transmission capacity and unused storage ability that are compressed gasses in this land of the mighty wealthy and militant.
How many pointless skyrises could be used for wind energy collection simply equipped with fans and screens. Wind Energy Collection suffice to clean sea water to drinking water.
Except for Stalin, Hitler, Disney and crew. Whatever actors are of the greatest influence need render to people's awareness of status and "stature". What is expressed presently is continued widespread monetary dominance, with nastiness of the of the worst kind prepared and waiting.
If that was to say would you like to procreate I say talk to me in 20 years. We'll see what this
place looks like. A gf? I'm quite sick of fake bitches. I'd rather fuck my hand forever than to interact with these fake ass bitches again. I'm sick of microwaves I'm sick of fake ass bitches. I'm loving me enough to defeat all that shit. And if there's some BS security issue I'll figure it out AND I'll go AS ME to where I'm safe l'm a pretty smart guy, This shit about my disappearing being necessary for any MY BENEFIT serving parameter's shit upto it's own eyeballs. To say lying for narrow benefit maleable attempt at best.
These people who are leading this huge deception have plans of abusing my seeming alternate identity to amuse their then little girl and boy friends toward seduction and whatever other idiocy they crave. You're asking me to provide cover for Nazi warlord shizbaggiest of all time villains. I spit on you every day til this shit's over don't say sorry. Wait til you're done.
You know what it's called when your fascist government tells you to shut up and you do? Treason. Cyah.
I've fulfilled my obligation to you when you get your biggest problem solved, come see me we'll work on some other stuff.
Suicide reverse psych engineering toward following direct psych suicide engineering toward.
Car alternator fan blades (balsa), boiling plate and pan and canopy. Also ping pong ball aluminum arm, wading pool, table. Fan spins, charges battery, then with battery at full and water level at ready, cleaning process via boil initiated. Shield with lead.
Dampening lead helmet.
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Circular mesh hollow for lightness. Cooled oxygen supplied emp shielded, microphone to speaker . What one must do to not suffer microwaves.
Yo I beg you that i BE allowed to smash you with your flaming piss notebook.
We're gonna get this on video.
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