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DigiBrilliance: Delivering humanity beyond abusability in cooperation with 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006, Genius Perspective Essays toward Peace and Freedom

DigiBrilliance: Delivering humanity beyond abusability in cooperation with

Monday, March 06, 2006

Roberts Likes Military Recruiting on Campus

[ The statement made by law schools in compliance with this ruling is that money is more important than ethics. The statement made prior failing in court where these schools allowed military recruiters on campus without question was that federal policy was to be taken as ethically suffice. The suing schools failed even the PR campaign here by suing for sexual expression bashing, directed at gays, in a then halfhearted effort to simply diminish militarism. The use of militarism today is so far from it's constitutional definition today as to be arguable undisputedly in mere moments to legal abolition where any justice waging government were resident. At the founding of this nation the threat would have been the event that spawned a recruiting effort, opposed todays constant drive to find boys to die killing other people's sons and daughters. Further the militarily prepared in that day weree educated buy the writing of the founders to most closely monitor the government as it was historically the most likely offender of the general population. Today no such protection is offered as our highly effective killers are rallied in support of what the founders wrote of as the gravest threat to their and their families well being, a homeward fascist treachery. Rendering irrepairably illegal the very notion of todays militance, the fiercest military in the world has no business dropping bombs on 3rd world homes averaging 100 times a month... as has been the case in Iraq over the past few years. An ideals, rather than finance and terror, driven court would have set military recruitment to nil in consideration of the constitution. This as there is no military threat against this country that calls for a 150,000 man response. We were attacked by 19 people, who were financed and led in their objective by some couple hundred people at most. The lives of the 19 has been explored in the least and the most potent of the couple hundred who acted in their support have been shielded from recognition as a potent threat by the terror inducing in government alignment media and the government itself. ]

Court Upholds Campus Military Recruiting
By GINA HOLLAND, Associated Press Writer 6 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday that colleges that accept federal money must allow military recruiters on campus, despite university objections to the Pentagon's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays.
Justices rejected a free-speech challenge from law schools and their professors who claimed they should not be forced to associate with military recruiters or promote their campus appearances.
Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the court, said that the campus visits are an effective military recruiting tool.
"A military recruiter's mere presence on campus does not violate a law school's right to associate, regardless of how repugnant the law school considers the recruiter's message," he wrote.
Law schools had become the latest battleground over the "don't ask, don't tell" policy allowing gay men and women to serve in the military only if they keep their sexual orientation to themselves.
Many universities forbid the participation of recruiters from public agencies and private companies that have discriminatory policies.
The court's decision upholds a law that requires colleges that take federal money to accommodate recruiters.
Roberts, writing his third decision since joining the court last fall, said there are other less drastic options for protesting the policy. "Students and faculty are free to associate to voice their disapproval of the military's message," he wrote.
"Recruiters are, by definition, outsiders who come onto campus for the limited purpose of trying to hire students — not to become members of the school's expressive association," he wrote.
The federal law, known as the Solomon Amendment after its first congressional sponsor, mandates that universities give the military the same access as other recruiters or forfeit federal money.
College leaders have said they could not afford to lose federal help, some $35 billion a year.
The court heard arguments in the case in December, and justices signaled then that they had little problem with the law.
Roberts filed the only opinion, which was joined by every justice but Samuel Alito. Alito did not participate because he was not on the bench when the case was argued.
"The Solomon Amendment neither limits what law schools may say nor requires them to say anything," Roberts wrote.
The case is Rumsfeld v. Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights, 04-1152.

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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Iodine Sufficience is Key to Mental Clarity!

Iodine Sufficience is Key to Mental Clarity!
Iodine Deficiency Ails Mental Health
Iodine's importance to humanity has been downplayed to the detriment of billions. Iodine deficiency has been the LEADING preventable cause of mental retardation throughout the entirety of human history. This was known to a few for a few thousand years. This was studied to confirmation in the early 1900's by the medical science community though has received scant attention since.
Stating iodine deficiency leads to mental retardation, is not to say down syndrome is iodine curable. The manner of mental retardation, iodine deficiency caused, is far more subtle than the big foreheaded, slurred if at all speech capable, stereotypical mental retardation.
The mental retardation associated with iodine deficiency is the type of labored thinking that a majority of the population suffers on a regular basis. Mental retardation where iodine deficiency is concerned is characterized by: longer than immediate recognition of simple terminology; a requirement to read mildly complex terms many times prior understanding; failing tasks for imprecise consideration, and many other widely suffered nutritionally resolvable brain ailing.
Once you understand how often a person must consume Iodine and how a person goes about consuming enough iodine for mental clarity, how true all of the above is, will become abundantly clear.
Iodine Abundance's Sole Location
Iodine is found in abundance in just one Earthly medium, that is the Earth's oceans. Thus seafood is the ONLY dependably iodine RICH food. There has yet to have been a study published which declared absolutely the IDEAL human consumption of iodine. The Japanese on average, live the longest on the planet. They consume on average 100X the USRDA of iodine. Most Americans don't even consume the USRDA. Iodine vacates a persons body within 24 hours of it's consumption. Thus iodine is required EVERY day to maintain a level of iodine that effects a persons best competence.
Iodized Salt - A Facade of Sufficience
Iodized salt contains VERY LITTLE iodine at 100 micrograms of iodine per gram of salt. The longest living people on the planet, the Japanese, consume on average 15000 MICROgrams (150 milligrams) of iodine daily. The U.S. RDA is just 150 MICROgrams which per Doctors Hakala, Flachas and Abraham is a minimalist iodine consumption and NOT nearly what a person should consume for best health.
For perspective, one table spoon of salt is 15 grams. Per the National Accademie's Institute of Medicine 3.8 grams or approximately 1/4 tablespoon of salt is recommended daily for an average adult male. That's approximately 300 micrograms of iodine if of course the salt your consuming is iodized. Considering most of the salt people consume is packaged in foods that make no list of iodine content per serving and don't bother stating even if the salt used in the food preparation was iodized, the iodine in the salt people are consuming is not very easily measured. Thus salt should not be depended on as a person's main source of iodine.
Where packaged foods are concerned there is no way of knowing whether the salt listed in the ingredients was iodized salt, short of successfully querying the food goods producer in such regard.
With there being no greater reason for slow thought than iodine deficiency you won't find the iodine content on the label of ANY food product, not even tuna fish! Considering the human suffering that results from sloppy decision making this effort to prevent wide comprehension of nutrition for brain health is criminal worth every injury of or by an iodine deficient person where that injury could have been prevented by better thinking.
The Thyroid - Iodine Store for Essential Hormone Production
Whether you use your brain for riding a skateboard or sending rockets to space, your brain's process will be greater variable weighing in a shorter time for your having the most iodine in your system your thyroid is capable of storing.
The size of a person's thyroid varies widely and is highly dependent on how much iodine a person has been regularly consuming. If you've gone months without consuming iodine you can overload your frail thyroid with iodine quite easily which results your thyroid's swelling. This condition is called goiter.
Altering your iodine consumption suddenly is NOT recommended. Instead, if you haven't been consuming much iodine and are going to increase your daily iodine intake, build the level of iodine you're consuming over a few months.
Brain Food
ALL seafood are an excellent source of iodine. Which presents another problem, particularly the Earths oceans are in large part horribly polluted with brain deteriorating mercury. Luckily the mercury pollution problem is generally limited to industrial coastlines, thus there are pristine waters where fish are virtually mercury free. Imported fish though rare offer a potential for mercury free seafood.
As for fish nabbed off U.S. shores, small short lived and nonpredatorial fish are a safe bet for low mercury. Big, long lived predatorial fish, shark, tuna, swordfish and the like, are so thoroughly contaminated as to warrant avoiding them all together and certainly not eating that fish type more often than every other week.
Testing Your Iodine Level
Tincture of iodine can be added to water both to purify water and as supplemental iodine. Tincture of iodine can also be used to test your need for iodine and to directly adjust your iodine saturation.
To test for iodine sufficience, simply place iodine anywhere on your skin and check for the brown stain every couple hours for the next 24 hours. If the stain is gone in less than 24 hours, reapply iodine effecting such a stain, monitor the stain. Repeat this process until the iodine you've applied is apparent on your skin as a brown stain for 24 hours.
That's all for now!  Hope you can find some Iodine!

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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Deep Breath - High Power Your Being

Breathe, as the primary means of human oxygen absorption, is critical to powering your EVERY function.

Deep breathing is the means to saturate your tissues with suffice process powering oxygen, that on fusion with glucose, delivers a charge that becomes the motion of your bodies every activity. From the gentle sway of your skin's nerves, that might convey across your spinal cord to your brains somatosensory region that a friendly hand is on your back, to the contraction of your leg muscles that becomes step beyond step, your power is dependent on abundant oxygen for high performance.

Regular deep breathing will expand your lungs' capacity to breathe deep. As you strengthen the muscles that aid inhalation you will be able to more efficiently power air into your oft dormant lower lung.

How to Deep Breathe

It would seem easy enough, that oh so natural act of inhale, exhale, however there are some well breathing facilities that are overlooked and underpracticed.

Amongst these abstruse health critical respiration skills is posture. If you're sitting while deep breathing do so with your back and shoulders off the seat back. As you inhale roll your shoulders from front to back and lift your head. You'll know your head is at optimum air intake angle by the most expansive feel of the air passing your trachea.

Inhale slowly at first. Begin inhalation with your nose. Finish inhalation through your mouth. You should be able to fit about 20% more air in your lungs with your mouth after you've reached the maximum you can take in through your nose. You're not finished inhaling until you feel a tickle in the back of your throat. At this point your lungs should feel full to bulging.

Hold the Air in Your Lungs

As soon as you've filled your lungs to capacity, lock your air way shut. Hold the air pressing into the walls of your lungs for about 3 seconds. During this time blood flowing through your lungs is taxing the air for all the oxygen it is worth.


The primary actor in exhalation is the relaxation of your diaphram. The diaphram is a muscle that sits under your lungs and connects around the full circumfrence of your torso to your abdominal, back and sides. For a lung sweeping windy full exhalation, your diaphrams relaxation is not enough and must be aided by the contraction of the muscles in which your rib cage is submersed as well your abdomen.

Exhale primarily through the larger of your airways, your mouth.

Contract your abdomen as forcefully as you can to complete the exhale. This should be a slow and concerted process. Focus on contracting your abdomen from bottom to top, a few contractions might be necessary. To fully exhaust the spent air, draw your front torso in and down to compress your lungs by your own weight with gravity aiding your continued abdomen contraction.

Moving as much of the carbon dioxide out of your lungs as possible is critical to freeing space for more oxygen rich air.


Deep breathe in the morning, deep breathe during your commute, deep breathe on your lunch break, deep breathe on the walk from your car. Get in the habit of deep breathing EVERY day!

You would benefit your mental clarity and energy level to deep breathe a few times every hour, though this is certainly not necessary for health, it is necessary for your BEST health.

If you're apprehensive to start deep breathing with such fervor, start slow, concentrate on deep breathing at least once every day. Take note of your body and minds performance compared to when you're not deep breathing. Soon enough you'll realize the life altering, performance enhancing rewards of deep breathing and likely take such up with passion.

Deep breathe before exercise to fill your ready oxygen capacity to brimming. This should require no more than about 9 deep breathes in preparation, then as much and as often as the intensity of your exercise, determined by the mass of muscle you're pumping, renders your oxygen deplete.

Your muscle lacking oxygen at first feels as pins and needles. In advanced stages of oxygen depletion, when acidic waste matter is rife in your muscles, lacking oxygen feels as a burn. This stage of exercise irritation is primarily due though the acid waste which needs to be pressed out of your muscles, by direct pressure as massage AND as importantly by stretching. Immediately clearing the toxic by-product of oxyglucose energy production is critical to NOT suffering your muscles the performance depracating effect of acid burn.

Deep breathe when you break between sets.

Deep breathe during exercise, though obviously the muscle group you're exercising should be your focus.

Deep breathe when you feel heavy stress. Your suffering heavy stress means you must make moves, in your mind or with the body part that is under stress. Facilitating your motion requires oxygen. So! deep breathe to aid the action necessary to relieve your stress.
Preventing stress is a function of hardening your mind and body. Your capacity to surmount the physical pressures of this life is relative to the strength of your entire body. Oxygen fuels your muscles growth and muscle facilitates oxygen transfer.
Likewise your ability to overcome the mental pressures, you may expect many will apply, is relative to the flexibility and strength of your knowledge. Your brains storing knowledge is an action that is dependent on energy. Thus the oxygen and glucose that fuel the process as well the protein that becomes the memory stored AND the iodine that well lubricates the whole process are ALL requisite of expanding your knowledge and ability to overcome the wide range of challenges this life holds.


Anywhere, however for best results in warm and open air. Deep breathing is esspecially healthful around plantlife and the ocean as both are mass producers of clean oxygen.

Do NOT deep breathe in frigid air.


In preface to explaining this advanced deep breathing skill it is necessary to detail 2 requisites, nutrition and minimal weeks long, deep breathing practice. The nutritional requirement is to be certain that your lungs and connective tissue are made of quality material. The few weeks of deep breathing practive is a workup in preparation of applying a bit more pressure than is much applied to your lungs.

Nutrition Requisite for Advanced Deep Breathing

Your having many years enjoyed bountiful nutrition is requisite. Bountiful nutrition is here intended as meaning full human requisite nutrition, including, leafy greens, protein (beans), iodine (seafood), vitamin C (oranges, dandelions), calcium (milk) and potassium (bananas).

Practice Requisite for Advanced Deep Breathing

When you've been practicing deep breathing for no less than a few weeks, you can begin your exhale abdomen contraction with your air way shut locked.

This should be for just a split second and after a shortened duration hold period. This will put a bit of pressure on your lungs that will force air into parts of your lung that don't often see much air. If you practice this your exhalation will be quite forceful. Do NOT contract your abdomen MUCH with your air way locked shut as you CAN damage your lungs by applying too much pressure. Practice this advanced skill with very short duration locked air way hold and with a tiny fraction of the power your abdomen is capable of applying to your lungs. When you're thoroughly well practiced at this you should be able to use a particular pressure on your lungs by your abdomen to signal for the release of the air.

That's all for now, I bid you much healthful breathing!


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